Dehydol® LT 14 Properties
Property Unit Value
Physical form (23 °C) solid
Degree of ethoxylation approx. 14
Concentration % approx. 100
Cloud point (EN 1890, method B) °C approx. 85
pH (EN 1262; 1% in 0.03% KCl) approx. 6.5
Density (EN ISO 12185)
40 °C g/cm³ approx. 1.01
50 °C g/cm³ approx. 1.01
60 °C g/cm³ approx. 1.00
70 °C g/cm³ approx. 0.99
Congealing point (ISO 2207) °C approx. 30
Surface Tension (EN 14370, 0.5% in distilled water, 20 °C) mN/m Approx. 37
Solubility of Dehydol® LT 14 (10% at 25 °C)
Solvent Solubility
Distilled water +
Potable water (2.7 mmol Ca²⁺-Ions/l) +
Hydrochloric acid (5%) +
Salt solution (5%) +
Solvent naphtha
Ethanol, Isopropanol +

Solubility Key:

  • + = clear solution
  • ± = sparingly soluble (insoluble sediment)
  • o = insoluble (phase separation)
  • – = forms an opaque soluble, homogeneous emulsion
Viscosity (mPa·s, Stabinger, ASTM D7042)
Temperature (°C) Viscosity (mPa·s)
23 solid
30 solid
40 55
50 40
60 30
70 20